Webinar — 2023-02-15

An Overview of Deterioration Mechanisms and Leakage Detection Techniques in Plastic Pipelines

Category: Condition Assessment
Presenter: Dr. Kalyan Piratla
Organization: Clemson University
Date: 15 February 2023
Time: 14:00 GMT (09:00 am EST US, 22:00 Beijing, 15:00 Berlin)


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This webinar is open to Non-Members now (no fee required). Recorded videos and Presentation files are for ISTT members only (after member login). Updated on 13 Feb 2023.

Plastic pipe material is increasingly used for several applications including water, sewer, and gas. Plastic pipelines currently in service are not as old as the metallic pipelines, but there have been many seemingly premature failures warranting a comprehensive understanding of their failure mechanisms and how to keep track of them for appropriate intervention. Further, many condition assessment - specifically leakage detection - techniques that are suitable for metallic pipelines are not suitable for plastic. This presentation provides an overview of the deterioration mechanisms for plastic pipelines informed by the state-of-the-art literature. Additionally, it presents research insights into leakage detection in plastic pipelines. There have been numerous papers published on various aspects of plastic pipe degradation and leakage detection in multiple utility sectors, and this presentation synthesizes the most crucial knowledge out there for practical reference.


About Dr. Kalyan Piratla

Dr. Kalyan Piratla is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Clemson University. His research work is focused on resilient planning and asset management aspects of buried pipeline infrastructure. He authored numerous peer-reviewed research articles and was recognized with awards such as the ASCE's Arthur M. Wellington prize, NASTT's Ralston Young Trenchless Achievement award, and Clemson University's Liles Professorship